Wednesday 19 February 2020


Ramana: Everything depends on the outlook. One sees that all born in Tiruvarur, or visiting Chidambaram, or dying in Banares, or contemplating Arunachala, are muktas.

Devotee: I think of Arunachala, but still I am not a mukta.

Ramana: Change of outlook is all that is necessary. See what such a change did for Arjuna.  He had the vision of the Cosmic Self. Sri Krishna says: “Gods and saints are eager to see my Cosmic Form. I have not fulfilled their desire. Yet I endow divine sight by which you can see that Form.”  Well, having said so, does He show what He is?  No. He asks Arjuna to see in Him all that he desires to see. If that were His real form it must be changeless and known for what it is worth. Instead, Arjuna is commanded to see whatever he desires.  So where is the Cosmic Form? It must be in Arjuna.

Furthermore, Arjuna finds Gods and saints in that form and they are praising the Lord. If the form be withheld from the Gods and saints as said by Krishna, who are they of Arjuna’s vision?

Devotee: They must be in his imagination.

Ramana: They are there because of Arjuna’s outlook.

Devotee: Then the outlook must be changed by God’s Grace.

Ramana: Yes. That happens to bhaktas (devotees)

Ramana Maharshi, while affirming the sanctity of the holy places, stresses that the inner truths of the verses must be understood, instead of relying on their purely literal or external interpretation.  He suggests that a change in the outlook, which can come through devotion, Divine Grace and realization, is required before one can attain liberation.

City of Enlightenment

As per another legend Parvati once closed the eyes of her husband Shiva playfully. As a result the whole Universe became dark and the earth was engulfed in darkness for years. Parvati performed penance and Shiva appeared as a column of fire at the top of Annamalai hills, returning light to the world. He asked Parvathi to come around the holy hill in a clockwise direction. Lord Shiva then as Umapathi appeared in his Rishaba vahana and offerred half his body to Parvathy as Arthanareeswarar.


It is believed that this hills took different forms at different period of time and age. During the Kirthayugam it was in the form of fire,in the next Threthayugam it was in the form of emerald,during Dweparayugam it was in the form of gold. In the present Kaliyuagam it is in a rocky mountain state.